Diving is Easy and Fun
Apo Reef Club offers all diving courses for beginners up to professional SDI and PADI.
In addition, we are also an active member of DAN.
Here are the list of most common dive courses:
Discover scuba diver (DSD):
a. The first step to explore the underwater world for the first time! Young and old everybody can join!
b. Open water diver
This is the start of your new life as a diver! The first level of certification in the world of scuba diving! If you like to explore the reefs and underwater world around the whole world by your own, this is the right choice!
c. Advance open water diver
This course is for all the open water diver who have enough from staying on 18m and them looking forward to find new experiences and impressions!
d. Rescue Diver
This is the gateway for you to be a professional diver or for the ones who would like to Improve their knowledge, skills and safety in diving!
e. Dive Master
This can be done in 2 – 3 months and work in the dive shop as a trainee dive guide.